One Second Everyday // Senior Year

Thursday, July 21, 2016

One random afternoon while I was browsing one of my favorite bands' YouTube channel, I came across a video they made while they were on tour. It was a compilation of one second clips from different places filled with different people and different emotions. The video was very one of a kind and while watching the video, never have I imagined that I will be creating one myself. 

Days before starting school as a senior college student, I've been having weird dreams. Weird dreams that I can hardly remember the moment I wake up. The morning exactly the day before classes, I woke up and instantly thought about the one second everyday video I mentioned earlier by one of my favorite bands. I have no idea why but it certainly gave me an idea to create the project myself for my senior year of college.

Becoming a senior college student was super exciting and scary at the same time (as cliché as it may sound) I honestly had a hard time filming because I was contemplating if I was going to graduate on time or not; since dealing with thesis was absolutely a pain in the behind. But here you go! A compilation of my life during my last year as a college student. Editing this video was definitely bittersweet. I definitely miss the view of the university from the 7th floor of our Beato building, the food around PNoval, the cats that appear randomly at the pavillions, the library, the carpark, and most especially my college friends.

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