
Fangirl Diaries: My Wanderland Experience!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

I never imagined I will have a chance to experience the Wanderland Music Festival... but weeks ago, Phoebe Rutaquio posted a status on Facebook stating that she will give away tickets to random people that will like her page. I joined instantly. The first reason why I joined this contest was because of my sister. She's working so hard at her internship that's why I think she needs a break. A break wherein she will see The Temper Trap perform live. The contest mechanics: to tweet, regram and share. I think I posted at least a thousand tweet entries, 40+ regrams and 10+ share... a day. 

Then, on May 16... Hello and Co PH tweeted: "8 on the clock. And the WINNER is... @IzaArtillero CONGRATULATIONS! Your hardwork has paid off and YOU AND A FRIEND ARE GOING TO WANDERLAND!" I was definitely on cloud nine.

Fastforward to the day of the music festival.

It was my first time to experience a concert at Globe Circuit Makati! It is definitely the best place for a music festival. When we arrived, everyone was so chill. My sister and I also brought a big cloth with us to sit on. We also roamed around the venue while waiting for our favorite bands to perform.

We went near the stage when Colour Coding performed! They were soooo good live. They sang all my favorite songs. The best part is that the crowd wasn't that wild yet so it was easy to go to the front row! Such an awesome experience. I also loved the part where Chris Holland looked straight in my direction when he sang the last verse of "Perfect". Sigh, Chris Holland... you're so perfect too. Heehee ♥

During Avalanche City, we spotted Anne Curtis and the gang. We felt like we were in Coachella. I was so shy to approach Anne but I gave in. I asked for a photo with her.

During Tully on Tully, we chilled and made a new friend -- Henri Marie! We planned that during Up Dharma Down, we must head near the stage to get a great view. Luckily, we had a chance to go from 4th row to second row! I love the energy of the people there. We all literally became one in movement during the performances. It was an awesome experience.

Neon Trees' set was WILD. Equally wild as Forever the Sickest Kids' performance at Bazooka Rocks 2012. My sister and I was so lucky to help Tyler start with his crowd surfing. It was a surreal experience.

The long wait was totally worth it for The Temper Trap. It was definitely one of the best performances I have seen live. We even had a chance to touch Dougy during one song. The crowd went hella wild during their set.

My feet definitely got numb after the music festival but it's all good!

People were still giving away free iced tea so we felt so happy and refreshed while leaving the venue.Over all, it was a great music festival. I can picture Wanderland being the Coachella in Manila. I can't wait for them to have Wanderland Weekend One//Wanderland Weekend Two... ☺

I will definitely never forget May 18, 2013.

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